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Trying Out Something New with Our Pictures - Western Electric A1 - 360˚ Picture

Started by mazda_matt, January 12, 2018, 02:55:44 PM

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I don't think there is a way to embed this directly into the forum, so here is a link to the 360˚ image. This was the first one I did and improvements will be made.

Western Electric A1:

I also tried a mouthpiece:

What do you think?


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Doug Rose



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I appears that the "image" is filed on Arqspin and as such, it is an external link, of sorts, that can by placed on the forum using an html hyperlink but not the external img codign.

As such, the image can only be found or seen until just one character of the hyperlink is changed or the image on Arqspin is moved or deleted.

I see no reason for this type of rotating image on the forum for the discussion of a phone or its parts as a means to restore or fix or display the final result of the restoration. They will suffer the eBay/Picassa/Photobook posterity problem, that I can guarantee.

I do see a good use of this type of image as a sales presentation of a phone, a device that has been used by everyone from Home Depot to Google Maps to show a location or an object in full 360 mode. The forum is for hobbyists discussing and displaying phones as part of that hobby. To me, rotating a phone is nice but of what use other than to eliminate taking 3 additional fixed images that can be saved, copied, enlarged and annotated in replies dealing with what's wrong or what needs to be fixed.

This idea has been available since the early 90s (IPIX) and those images could be uploaded (attached) to a reply. Arqspin is keeping the coded image on their site with no way to download and save the image for attachment or upload, probably because their site also contains the code to make the image rotate, code that was imbeded in the IPIX image so a file placed on a 3.5" disk could be given to someone to show at home to a spouse (rooms in a home for sale).

My opinion is, if the image is inteneded to be for the hobbyist to display a find, show a problem, ask for help with a phone or show the after restoration results, a fixed image is fine.

Using these to showcase a phone for sale could be done if the post/reply were placed in the For Sale board which after a few months is cleaned out of recent offerings.

Those are my thoughts. I and the other moderators are open to others suggestions, opinions or advice. Please reply with any of that if you have a different, or same, point of view.


I think it's a really great idea, one that I have never thought of before!

If there were some way of permanently uploading it to CRPF, it would be great. However, Arqspin is more of a niche version of Photobucket. Someday, it will be replaced by something else or they could demand a ransom for using their service, and the image would be gone forever.

Maybe you could set those images up as a GIF of the phone spinning around. It wouldn't be interactive like Arqspin, but hey, it's here permanently! ;)

I'm sure there's also a way of inserting that image into an OPW listing. That would definitely give you more attention from the non-collectors, and you wouldn't need to worry about long-term posterity.
Christian Petterson

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right" -Henry Ford


Quote from: WEBellSystemChristian on January 12, 2018, 03:51:35 PM
I think it's a really great idea, one that I have never thought of before!

If there were some way of permanently uploading it to CRPF, it would be great. However, Arqspin is more of a niche version of Photobucket. Someday, it will be replaced by something else or they could demand a ransom for using their service, and the image would be gone forever.

Maybe you could set those images up as a GIF of the phone spinning around. It wouldn't be interactive like Arqspin, but hey, it's here permanently! ;)

I'm sure there's also a way of inserting that image into an OPW listing. That would definitely give you more attention from the non-collectors, and you wouldn't need to worry about long-term posterity.

A GIF option would be a good idea. No clue on how to do that.

I have it embedded into the listing for the A1 on OPW.

If CRPF could do iFrame embedding it would be possible, but as far as I know it can't... Mods?


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Quote from: WEBellSystemChristian on January 12, 2018, 03:51:35 PM
Maybe you could set those images up as a GIF of the phone spinning around. It wouldn't be interactive like Arqspin, but hey, it's here permanently! ;)

I'm sure there's also a way of inserting that image into an OPW listing. That would definitely give you more attention from the non-collectors, and you wouldn't need to worry about long-term posterity.

Actions have consequences. To get rid of the security error flag so many were getting upset about for so many months and didn't want to take the time to clean out their meta data, the forum was changed to recode, resize and double check images for malware, etc, and the ability to upload and ani-gif was disabled. It is not possible to upload an animated gif to the forum.

Putting them on OPW's site would be the same way as above. If you look at all of the sharing options provided on the Arqspin site for putting the image somewhere, they are all sharing links (probably over 100 of them), which also means access to everyone who views by image by that sites bots, a thought for those who don't like Facebook tracking as an example.

OPW would only be able to do so the same way it was done above, by way of a fungible image link. And then the question of cost comes into play. If they don't already do so, they will charge a fee for hosting the spinning images.

Here is a Google Maps example provided by a hyperlink, subject to change and image loss in the future. It's a full 360 degree image with zoom.


Quote from: TelePlay on January 12, 2018, 04:03:56 PM
Actions have consequences. To get rid of the security error flag so many were getting upset about for so many months and didn't want to take the time to clean out their meta data, the forum was changed to recode, resize and double check images for malware, etc, and the ability to upload and ani-gif was disabled. It is not possible to upload an animated gif to the forum.

Putting them on OPW's site would be the same way as above. If you look at all of the sharing options provided on the Arqspin site for putting the image somewhere, they are all sharing links (probably over 100 of them), which also means access to everyone who views by image by that sites bots, a thought for those who don't like Facebook tracking as an example.

OPW would only be able to do so the same way it was done above, by way of a fungible image link. And then the question of cost comes into play. If they don't already do so, they will charge a fee for hosting the spinning images.

Here is a Google Maps example provided by a hyperlink, subject to change and image loss in the future. It's a full 360 degree image with zoom.

I am able to embed it directly into OPW site using iFrame.


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After writing the following, I am adding this line at the front end. I see no way this forum is going to be changed into anything else than it is and has been for 9 plus years. I just spent 2 hours going down a rat hole to figure this out. Nice rotating image but not on this form other than by using the fungible html linking code.


I just spent an hour researching iFrame with respect to SMF software. From the member level, this does not seem possible and I tried so 30 variations of code.

When you look at the spinning phone, this is the code that is displaying the image and making it spin. This is created on and within the Arqspin site to display the image and all options to share this image are hyper links to this coded page.

SMF Team Leaders have said that board owners who imbed i/Frame code into their boards for use by members say "There is a possible security risk to allowing users to use iFrames in posts. Please use caution or only allow certain people to use this."

Another Team Leader has stated that "Allowing members to use html in posts would pose a massive security risk to your site and the server, so it isn't permitted in any forum software. That's why bbcode was created. Admins can put html in the bbcode html tag. If there are specfic object types you would like to allow, then install a mod for that purpose."

Both of these state the board owner could write code to use "iFrame" to enhance their board but at high risk. I found no way for a member to employ iFrames in posts or replies.

In case anyone is interested, this is the complete source code for the image Matt has posted on his own, personal site (which apparently allows iFrame but does not have members who can post on his site, only view items a place orders (a POS - Point of Sale - site, if you will). Big difference between a locked proprietary sales site and a membership forum for exchanging information. The following code was created by Arqspin when Matt uploaded his image to their site and then, thanks to his site coders, used iFrame to place the Arqspin link into his site, for sales purposes.

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      <span style='font-size:18pt;'>Western Electric A1</span><br/>
    <span class="username">oldphoneguy</span>
    <span class="date">January 12, 2018</span>





Arqspin is a tool for sellers, not forum applications:

Boost Sales
Arqspin users see higher conversion rates, less returns, and less customer inquiries when their products have interactive spins. 360 product views are proven to increase engagement and conversion over static images up to 30%. That could be thousands of dollars of additional revenue for your business.

It's Fun
A 360 product view is way more fun than a static image—your customers can spin, twirl, and interact with your products. Studies show using a 360 product view can double the amount of time a shopper looks at a product.

Meets Any Budget
Arsqpin has a range of pricing plans to fit any budget. We can also customize a plan for you. And, our technology doesn't require any expensive camera equipment. You can be up and running using only the smartphone you already own.

Fastest 360 System
Arqspin users have said time and time again that it takes them just minutes to create, edit, and upload a view to their website with our intuitive 360 photo software. Don't believe us? See what our customers are saying!

Built By Computer Experts
Our 360 photo software is built in Charlottesville, VA by a dedicated team of computer scientists. Our site uses enterprise-grade computer servers in the Amazon Cloudfront network and our software is maintained to the latest standards.

Arqspin pricing:


We don't have any volunteer programmers here so for the most part if it doesn't work on the forum as it is set up now it is not likely going to happen in the near future. Things like posting pictures without the security error was a big inconvenience to everyone that involved a lot of everyone's time to try to overcome. But things like this while interesting, can't turn into another giant PITA to fight through if it doesn't inherently work as is.

Just my opinion.


Doug Rose

Quote from: mazda_matt on January 12, 2018, 04:09:44 PM
I am able to embed it directly into OPW site using iFrame.

Matt....I do think it is quite cool. Are you able to post it to the OPW site, or just links to it.  How about eBay? I must admit I kept watching that A1 spin around and am mesmerized. Can you briefly explain how it is done? My guess is multiple angle pictures loaded in to the app?

***I have read the rules and fully understand it is NOT for the Forum, I am just curious about it***.....thanks Doug


Okay, I can understand that. I just think its a really neat way for members to see every angle of a phone instead of just a couple common shots. Most have likely never seen an A1 and I know this isn't the same as seeing one in person, but its about as close as it gets.

If this is not allowed then I do apologize and will post no further.


Coupon Code - CRF10 (10% off)


Quote from: Doug Rose on January 13, 2018, 09:01:49 AM
Matt....I do think it is quite cool. Are you able to post it to the OPW site, or just links to it.  How about eBay? I must admit I kept watching that A1 spin around and am mesmerized. Can you briefly explain how it is done? My guess is multiple angle pictures loaded in to the app?

***I have read the rules and fully understand it is NOT for the Forum, I am just curious about it***.....thanks Doug


We had to purchase a motorized turntable. You can get one anywhere, but I decided to get one through Arqspin since I got a really good deal on it. You then set up the product in the middle of the turntable and record a video of it doing a little more than a full rotation. The video is then uploaded to Arqspin and they render the video. You are given a link that you can embed into your website or social media account. Although when I tried posting it to Facebook it just posted a link, but I'll figure it out.

Unfortunately, eBay and Amazon use their own proprietary photo hosting software and do not allow spins, but I am able to embed them directly into OPW site using iFrame.

I was a little skeptical at first to try this out, but after the first spin I made, I saw how great of a tool this is. The software is also incredibly easy to use.


Coupon Code - CRF10 (10% off)

Doug Rose
