Classic Rotary Phones Forum

Telephone Talk => Forum News => Topic started by: Dennis Markham on November 08, 2009, 10:41:39 PM

Title: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: Dennis Markham on November 08, 2009, 10:41:39 PM
Despite the fact that there was some good discussion about an eBay auction featuring a so-called "Galion" phone, I deleted this topic after the seller became irate after being contacted by Dan/Panther regarding the seller's phone listed for sale on eBay.  Some of you may have seen Dan's posting of the man's response.  I had no issue at all with Dan posting that and appreciate the way he edited the profanity.

My issue with the topic stemmed from my own statement in which I implied that the seller MAY be improperly using the ATCA logo in his auction to bolster his sale as the seller's name did not appear in the current member directory.  In part, the seller said his membership was listed under the name of his wife.  He also took exception to his name being posted on the forum.  Rather than cause any further ill feelings and to avoid any misunderstandings, I removed the topic.

Perhaps I should have just deleted the offending message(s) as there was some good discussion regarding the North Electric "Galion" phone, their make-up and knock-off phones that are out there.    Hind-sight is 20-20.  The topic is gone and I could not retrieve it.  So if a member would like to discuss the Galion phones it would be necessary to begin a new topic and perhaps we can start over with that.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone.  Ultimately the responsibility of the content of this Forum falls on me.
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: JorgeAmely on November 08, 2009, 11:53:35 PM
Hi Dennis:

Not all is lost. We can always go back to Paul's site and revisit the material on Galion "look alike phones" and learn from companies that made these phones and how they compare to the real Galion phones.

The seller clarified his membership status and his desire to not have his name posted in a very colorful way and I will grant him that, however, he criticized some members in very rude manner and I don't think there was a need to do that.

We all gather in this "electronic forum" without claiming to be experts to share experiences about this old technology so we can all learn from each other mistakes and experiences.

No one can take that away from us.

Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: Dan/Panther on November 08, 2009, 11:54:32 PM
I would like to add, that if I had known, that me posting his response would have caused anyone to feel bad, embarrassed, hurt, mad or otherwise effected in anyway in a negative manner,  I would not have posted it.
Please accept my apology for being insensitive to others feelings.
As Dennis mentioned it appears the post is lost forever, as I have also deleted his message to me.
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: Dennis Markham on November 08, 2009, 11:57:11 PM
Thank you Dan and Jorge for your comments.  Points well taken.  Dan I have a copy of that barrage and will e-mail you a copy.  No need for an apology.
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: Dan/Panther on November 09, 2009, 12:01:07 AM
Perdsonally, If I were that seller, I would not have reacted the way he did.
I would have posted a response in the phone forum, explaining each point in a manner that would have defended my reason for selling the phone The way he did. To politely educated us poor misguided fools, if you will.
The fact that he went off, kind of makes me feel he had no defence except anger at being exposed.
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: McHeath on November 09, 2009, 12:02:43 AM
Gee, I get busy polishing phones for an afternoon and miss all the excitement.  Sorry someone got rude to you D/P.
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: bwanna on November 09, 2009, 07:01:22 AM
geez o peets.....crashed out early after a day of yard work.  so i missed all the excitement :o :(

doesn't sound like you offended anyone here, d/p. i also agree with your opinion of the seller's response.

besides providing good info on the galion, the thread reinforced that you cannot always believe what you read on the net >:(  also, use the "buyer beware" attitude, when shopping ebay.

btw, dennis, you were entirely correct in removing the thread. while it seems like we are in our own private conversations here, the truth is we are viewable by the worldwide web.

ps. could you west coasters please start posting earlier in the day ;)
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: foots on November 09, 2009, 12:16:09 PM
  I made this post because I smelled fish after reading the description and seeing the seller using the ATCA logo. I did miss out on the "action" however, I do not feel the least bit bad about anything. I'm no expert so I made a post about it here along with my opinion, so my opinion could either be confirmed or proven wrong in which case I could maybe have learned something new, which I beleive was obvious. If the seller was asked about his phone, in a polite manner, and he cursed someone for inquiring about it, then it shows very poor character on his part and definately will prevent me (and probably others) from EVER doing business with him. This will not prevent me from asking questions about something that doesn't look right to me. I come here to learn from and share with the great folks here. I agree that Mr. Markham did a good thing in removing the post and if he decides to remove this one also, it would be fine by me.
Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: AE_Collector on November 20, 2010, 01:07:34 PM
This is an old thread but it intrigued me as I have had a couple of "run in's" due to my publishing the "ebaY Handles List". Can someone who still remembers, PM me with who this seller is/was? Doesn't sound like a good idea at all to put the name BACK into this thread!

I've noticed sellers using TCI or ATCA logo's when I know that they are no longer members of the particular club.

The ebaY handles list isn't "posted" on the internet but is an Excel sheet available "by request" via email.

My best "run in" was with a phone seller who found himself on my ebaY Handles list and decided he should send me a poorly worded email laced with threats to have the RCMP arrest me unless I remove him from the list. He is still on my list by the way and I'm still living at home rather than in jail.

Soon after that I noticed that he added a big long disclaimer to the bottom of his auctions "prohibiting" the disclosure of any info acquired through doing business with him, with others for the purposes of compiling and distributing lists of ebay sellers information.

I was quite flattered!

Title: Re: Topic Removed - Galion w/F1 Handset????
Post by: BDM on February 13, 2011, 01:50:23 AM
Sorry but what "maroons" some of these folks are (