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AE 3 Slot Gongs

Started by Famicoman, January 20, 2025, 09:59:40 AM

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Working with someone with a new-to-them AE 3 slot. Looks like it was previously wired for home use.

They believe that the nickel gong is working as expected but the quarter gong has been moved to the vault and is doing double duty acting as a quarter gong and ringer. I've never heard of this configuration, and was trying to judge by photos of the two gongs were still present in the coin assembly and this one in the vault was a bell added solely as a ringer. I've taken a look at some photos of AE coin assemblies that claim to have both gongs but can only identify one in the photos.

I've be en sent photos of the phone in question. Is anyone able to tell by these photos if both gongs are installed in their normal positions?

Stan S

The payphone is a Western 236G. It originally had a square ringer mounted in the space up at the top on the back casting on the left side. The ringer in the vault is wired to where the square ringer was wired and is used to replace the original ringer It has nothing to do with the quarter gong. From your picture the quarter gong is where it is suppose to be and I'm sure works fine.


The quarter gong looks like it is in place.  Doesn't it work?