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WANTED *** dial conversion parts sought

Started by Babybearjs, December 20, 2024, 03:37:57 AM

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I have several 564 phonesets and I need to convert them to touchtone. I have a couple of touchtone dials and the 3500 touch tone dial inserts, but am in need of the adapters that allow you to use a TT dial in a 564 deskset. the only other option will be to be able to obtain just the bases of the 2564/65 desk sets. I had a set of plastic adapters, but they are so old the plastic has broken. does anyone have any metal ones that are available. the whole reason for this is because I have Ooma VOIP service and their modems don't support rotary dial.


John: can you post a picture of what the adapters look like? are they the same as one you might find on a 500 to 2500 or are multilines different? JC
Analog Phones for a Digital World


Rather than convert all your old phones maybe getting a different modem or ATA would be better?
Harry Smith
ATCA 4434

"There is no try,
there is only
do or do not"