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Help Me Get My GTE 120B Phone Working?

Started by olePigeon, November 09, 2024, 03:03:24 PM

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I'm new to the forums.  I've scoured the forums as best I can, but I'm unable to progress further with my phone.

My situation:  I purchased a new-old-stock GTE 120B that had been pre-configured with a landline adapter kit, but it had no internals.  I also didn't like that it uses a regular electronic telephone ringer and not the pay phone's ringer.  Also, the half-height keypad doesn't have volume control, and it's very quiet (both receiving and sending) with no way to adjust it.

I do not have a POTS.  I'm using the phone with a Cell2Jack adapter.  It's powered by a 5v USB cell phone charger (this could be the problem.)

Over time I've purchased a full-height keypad, ringer, coin mech, relay, and "dumb" chassis motherboard to complete the phone.

I would like to get it working in its stock configuration if possible.  Judging by what other have said, I suspect the Cell2Jack can't provide enough power.  It works fine with the conversion kit, but if I try to use it with the actual payphone innards, it doesn't work.  I can't get a dial tone and the keypad doesn't respond.  I do get click when the receiver is pressed (not from the switch itself, but over the speaker), but no dial tone that I can hear, and no tones from the pad.  Although I don't know if keypads are interchangeable, so that could be a whole other issue.

I have it jumpered for "emergency pre-pay" per the instructions sheet, and I set the switch to 25 cents (20 + 5.)

I would appreciate any advice or suggestions.  I'm including a link to high res pictures.

Thank you.


Quote from: dsk on November 10, 2024, 04:09:46 AMMay this help:  ?

Oh, thank you!  I figured I needed something to supplement it.  I'll have to ask other people for some help as I'm not very good with reading schematics.

I was also looking at a cheap scratch-built payphone controller.


According to this thread, I should just be able to plug it in?  Or am I reading it wrong?

If so, then perhaps there be an incompatibility with my Cell2Jack versus an actual phone line?


I may have to put this away.  I'm afraid I don't have the skill to build anything like this.  Thank you for linking to your project.

Without real POTS, I think my Cell2Jack is too underpowered to even use it as a regular telephone.


I have one of the Cell2Jack adapters, and even though I don't use it on a regular basis, it I've found that it seems to support just about any regular old telephone that I've plugged into it. If the keypad isn't working, then i suspect another issue, either wiring, or a bad keypad.
Standard coin phones used + and - 110 to 130 volts DC, to collect or reject the coin. The phone should work as a "normal" phone but will not be able to deal with the coins. These phones required a special payphone line with a connection to the equipment capable of sending these voltages.

A lot of "newer" coin phones rely on a current reversal to indicate an off hook as a signal to collect the coin(s). In many cases, this requires a special linecard, capable of providing this signal. This all depends on the type of switch at the central office.

Stan S

All the above comments are interesting however they have nothing to do with solving your problem. If you really have put the payphone in the prepay mode the coin trigger in the hopper must be in the down position or the payphone will be completely dead. Make sure you wired the coin relay properly then make sure the coin trigger is down. That simulates an initial deposit.

Stan S

I might as well add that your payphone (when you get it working) will only function like a standard desk set. You have no high voltage to trigger the coin relay. For your payphone to work 100% you need a payphone controller between the cell2jack and the payphone.

Stan S

Additionally all of the above assumes the payphone is in the COIN FIRST MODE. If you put it in the DTF DIAL TONE FIRST MODE it should come to life without an initial deposit.