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AECo "Monophone Tool"

Started by AE_Collector, October 17, 2011, 01:19:27 AM

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Quote from: Jon Kolger on September 02, 2013, 08:26:22 PM
Thanks for all that info.  That's very interesting.  I have what I think is an AE cradle wrench, but it is marked "H-43173-1".  I bought it at a phone show about 10 years ago.  It works on most of the AE cradle nuts that I have tried, but not all the nuts have the same outside diameter.  I've had at least one nut that the wrench would not fit as it was slightly larger, or perhaps the notches were not cut as deeply as they should have been.  I will add a photo of my wrench.
From the AE 150-540 Technical Bulletin:
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Doug Rose

I have misplace my AE tool and I cannot budge the hook switch assembly on the AE35 and AE50 I got at Brimfield last week. Any one have any ideas what to use in its place? Any one have one for sale?....Doug


Doug   ....   Drop by a hardware store in your area, and buy a cheap 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch drive socket.      Use something like a Dremel Tool with a grinding wheel on it, and grind away some of the steel on both sides of the socket's opening, leaving 2 pins of the appropriate width to fit the 2 slots on the hook switch retainer nut.
The cheap sockets are easy to grind off, and don't cost much.      Measure the diameter of the retainer nut so you can accurately select a socket of the proper diameter.     Even if you don't have a socket set, at least you can grip the socket with a pair of vise grips.     Picture attached.


Doug Rose

thanks Jeff....I'll give it a try...Doug

Doug Rose

I got it open today. It is a true 35....PLUS IT WORKS!!!! Even rings on incoming. Handset cord probably should be replaced. ....Doug


This tool was designed to allow tightening of the proprietary octagonal nut on the type 38 monophone handset receiver cap Automatic Electric AE34 telephone as discussed in this thread.  This tool was 3D printed to convert the larger 3/4" standard hexagon base to a 13/36" wide OCTOGONAL shape. The shoulder between the two parts allows the tool to seat smoothly in the concave receiver element's nut. The octagonal piece fits perfectly in the AE34 handset cap while the larger hexagon allows for hand tightening or gently tightening with a wrench.  I have also used this tool to remove handset caps which I found to be firmly in place.  My first version broke but I have been successful since.  The tool is made of dense PLA hard plastic which will fracture under heavy torque.  Therefore, I use this tool as a "tightener" and sometime "loosener" after applying lubrication and heat to the receiver cap threads.  I figured if this tool does fracture in attempting to loosen a cap, it will not damage the cap.  That has been true. Caps that broke the tool required me to use a ground down bolt head as described in this thread and they were very tight.  I think sometimes these caps might be overtightened by racheting them in the wrong direction on top of the age and gunk in the threads. Of course I do not have an unlimited supply of 38 type handsets to experiment on!
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