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DUPLICATE IMAGES again crashing

Started by MMikeJBenN27, August 27, 2023, 12:15:39 AM

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20230825_212004[1].jpg20230825_211951[1].jpg20230825_212016[1].jpg20230825_212035[1].jpgHere it is!



This is due to user error when taking and posting images, nothing more than that.

This has been discussed, described and solutions given many times in the

How To Post Photos on CRPF

child board in the "Forum News" board.

The problem:

1) A member takes a picture that has its largest side greater than 4,000 pixels.
2) The camera/phone is held rotated to normal causing the image's Meta Data to have a rotation instruction
3) The forum software shows a thumbnail of the image in the topic, it does not show the full sized image
4) If the image has one side greater than 4K and had a rotation instruction, the thumbnail will crash

The first image below shows the crashed thumbnails on the left and the full sized image on the right. The full sized image reads the rotation instruction and rotates the image when expanding the thumbnail into a new window. As such, the thumbnails are crashed and the expanded, full size images display correctly.

The solutions:

1) Don't post images that have their largest side greater than 4,000 pixels (crop and resize images before uploading).


2) Take the images with the camera/phone held in its normal position so a rotation instruction is not created.

The third image below is the full sized, expanded image, after a lot of extra, unnecessary background to the right of the phone was cropped off to get the image's largest side under 4,000 Pixels to avoid the crashing problem.

The second image below show the Metadata of the "R1" image with the rotation instruction and image size outlined in red.

Simple as that and I am really getting tired of having to re-write the problem and its solution when all of this is already posted in the "How To Post Photos on CRPF" board and can be easily found by searching or browsing that board. It's a lot easier for a moderator to just delete a topic with crashing images that it is for a moderator to download each crashing image, crop it, resize it, uploaded it to the original topic and delete the over sized images in that topic, the ones being replaced.

If you post a topic or reply that shows crashed images, you have plenty of time to see which are crashing, edit the offending images by cropping down to size and replacing the over sized images with their modified, smaller version.

It's not rocket science to do it right and doing it right is better than just complaining about it. Doing it right means research has paid off in an education of how to post images that don't crash.

Congratulations to you if you've read this post to this point, I doubt those who know how to post images correctly will and those who don't just won't. Prove me wrong.


I just use an old digital camera, set to 5 megapixels image size, and upload via a PC. 5 megapixels gives perfectly good image quality for this purpose in my opinion and I doesn't cause any uploading issues.
I just don't understand why phones now have such a high megapixel count, 50+ in many cases, as it's total overkill for what 99% of people use their pictures for. Mainly done for marketing purposes I'd suggest.