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TCI Site Update Possible Forum Issue

Started by TelePlay, November 28, 2017, 01:02:54 PM

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This is now posted on the TCI Main Page:

Welcome to the TCI Library
FLASH: We have updated the library's software
and most of the site has been tested.
Let us know when something isn't working correctly.
The help texts will be updated in the near future.

One change I've noticed is the "view" document option is no longer shown; all documents must be downloaded to see them.

Over the past week or so, I have noticed that several forum posted links to documents in the TCI Library were  not working, got this:

"The page isn't redirecting properly
     Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
     This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies." and a message about enabling cookies)."

Enabled cookies and the link still did not work. These may have been links to the page that once showed a "view" option.

It may be that all TCI links on the forum are now "dead" or I may be doing something wrong. Just asking if anyone else has gotten dead links or if they still work for them.


Because the library has been rebuild from scratch it means that all the links to documents in the library have changed. The library may appear to look the same but everything "under the hood" has changed.

Regretfully there was no other way to update the library to the latest software. The old versions of the software (mainly the content management system named Joomla and the document management program named DOCman) were getting too old and are no longer safe to use.

Changing to the new library also means that all the links saved by Google have changed. It will take some time for Google to re-crawl the site and change all the links.

Currently there is an issue with the error pages which I hope to solve soon. This will however not solve the issue with broken links.

The search engine of the site has improved.

I hope to have some time this weekend to work on the library.

Let me know in case you have any questions.

Remco, JKL Museum of Telephony Curator

JKL Museum of Telephony:
TCI Library:



Thank you for that explanation.

I like the new site and the ease now to view documents. It is quite an improvement.

Since all information is still on the TCI site, a broken link means nothing more that a member has to re-search of the TCI site for the document. Hopefully, the person who posted the link, now broken, will have also included enough text describing or explaining the information being linked to allow for an easy search of the TCI site.

Unlike past problems with Picassa, Photobucket and other external image hosting sites which require each and every person who put information on those sites to fix or correct their posted information and links, everything plus more is still on the TCI site and available for viewing several ways including the search function (which now has excellent examples or tutorials on how to use the search function).

Thanks again for the why behind the what.