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302 parts for sale

Started by poplar1, January 16, 2023, 04:03:34 PM

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I have Western Electric 302 parts for sale. 20% off ebay prices. (Seller poplar1 on ebay).

F1 Transmitter Unit
HA1 Receiver Unit
Receiver cap
Transmitter cap
F1 handle (Bell System)
F1W handle (Western Electric)
F1 handle, rec. cap, transmitter cap
Complete  F1 handset

5H dials
6A dials

Baseplate less parts
B1A/B1AL ringer
101A  induction coil
195A Condenser

Complete baseplate with ringer, induction coil, and condenser

Complete baseplate less ringer


Metal housings complete
Repairable plastic housings

Also, have a few equivalent Northern Electric parts.

Mets-en, c'est pas de l'onguent!

"C'est pas une restauration, c'est une rénovation."--François Martin.


I only need a red housing because mine is broken :(  but I will wait for a good price. I've always wanted a red phone, they gave me one, but it was way too broken (functional, on the other hand) only the 'housing' is broken and i don't have the piece and too much cracks, the rest is in very good condition, but I think I saw a member of Ontario, because from the USA it would cost me too much money because of the exchange rate unfortunately...

EDIT : OH sorry I forgot to specify, it's a 500 desk phone


Western Electric 302 parts for sale. 20% off ebay prices. (Seller poplar1 on ebay).

F1 Transmitter Unit  $4
HA1 Receiver Unit    $4
Receiver cap         $1
Transmitter cap      $1
F1 handle (Bell System)  $2
F1W handle (Western Electric)  $2
F1 handle, rec. cap, transmitter cap  $3
Complete  F1 handset $10

5H dial $20 (some wear on number plate)*
6A dial  $18 (some wear on number plate)*
Number Card Holder $8 to $12 depending on type

Foot with screw     $1
B1A/B1AL ringer $10
101A  induction coil $4
195A Condenser $3

Complete baseplate with ringer, induction coil, condenser, and feet $16
Complete baseplate except for ringer  $8
Baseplate only (less ringer, induction coil, condenser, and feet)  $2

Hookswitch and plungers $1

Metal housing complete $12 -- needs to be powdercoated or repainted
Good plastic housing  $8

Handset Cords -- good:
    H3C (Brown Fabric Covered with rubber conductors) $12
    H3AD (Straight, Rubber) -- $8
    H3AG (Straight, Neoprene) -- $7
    H3AR (Spring, PVC) -- $8

Mounting Cord (Line cord)
    D3AL (Brown Fabric Covered with rubber conductors) $12
    D3AY (Neoprene) $7
    D3BP (PVC) $7

Also have a few equivalent Northern Electric parts.

Will trade for dial overlays, good number plates, or BSPs.

Mets-en, c'est pas de l'onguent!

"C'est pas une restauration, c'est une rénovation."--François Martin.

Fordman 1966

Quote from: poplar1 on April 25, 2023, 03:25:22 AMHandset Cords -- good:
    H3C (Brown Fabric Covered with rubber conductors) $12
    H3AD (Straight, Rubber) -- $8
    H3AG (Straight, Neoprene) -- $7
    H3AR (Spring, PVC) -- $8

Mounting Cord (Line cord)
    D3AL (Brown Fabric Covered with rubber conductors) $12
    D3AY (Neoprene) $7
    D3BP (PVC) $7

what are the length of the cloth covered handset& mounting cords. Do you happen to have a 5 conductor dial cord


H3C is 48 inches between the.cord restraints. 5 ft. 8 inches between  restraints.

Which 5-cond dial cord do you

Mets-en, c'est pas de l'onguent!

"C'est pas une restauration, c'est une rénovation."--François Martin.