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Intermountain Telephone Company flange Ebay #222824466861

Started by rfkimba, February 05, 2018, 05:57:53 AM

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Hi Guys,
I compared the photos of this 11x11 flange on Ebay in excellent condition  to a picture of the  same sign in Bob Alexanders A Collectors Guide to Antique Porcelain Enamel Telephone Signs V3. The  colors   don't quite match the book .  Does this sign look like the real thing to those who have seen it before?
Bob Farber


Intermountain telephone kingsport Tn  I have a sign like the one posted.I  remember seeing them when in Kingsport into the 70s
There is also a hubcap sign with a blue long distance sign.


The eBay sign is the real thing. Many of the pictures in Bab's books are enhanced.
This is the more scarce 11x11 sign. $150+ The 16x16 is more common. While neither of these are considered rare I don't recall seeing these show up on eBay all that often.

I believe this company became part of United Telephone.
Tom Vaughn
La Porte, Indiana
ATCA Past President
ATCA #765
C*NET 1+ 821-9905


Intermountain Telephone in Kingsport  became United Intermountain .Some locals called it intermittant telephone.Main exchange was CIrcle 5 or 7.Had XY switch.Had old tones also.Grandparents had an Ericophone,SC 1243 and a NE500 set.I still have the 1243. Jacks were 1/4 TRS .


I grew up in Johnson City.
Does any one know (or know how to find out) if the Rotary Dial exchange that came online in 1964 was WE or AE?
From the "behavior" of the various features, it would seem to match that of WE.  Neighboring smaller towns (Jonesboro, Limestone, Telford) all seemed to have AE  BT, etc.

Thank you