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Is this an Ericcson, Connecticut, or other receiver?

Started by allnumbedup, September 01, 2024, 01:23:23 PM

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I got this receiver loose in a box lot before getting a closer look at it. I was hoping it was a WE long pole but once I had it in hand I realized it is longer than a pony but it is not.... and not WE.  The lower shoulder and threads are nickeled. Although it has the general shape of an Ericcson or Connecticut receiver, the construction seems different. I found one on a great site listing over 200 candlesticks but not sure if the example shown has a reciever made for multiple manufacturers:

Lambert Schmidt

There is a seam across the top between the OST's that runs the length of the body with the edge above the metal shoulder that looks like collar applied over that piece actually showing the same seam. The body may be composite but the cap seems to be Bakelite. No markings at all. Not sure I will ever have a phone to match it up with.....any ideas on manufacturer?
Analog Phones for a Digital World
