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BatchPurifier LITE Download (free) to resolve a/the Security Error problem

Started by TelePlay, April 30, 2017, 02:09:59 PM

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I've been using BatchPurifier LITEā„¢ 7.0 on all of the photos I have taken with my smart phone and others members have sent to me and have never had a security error uploading photos after running them through this meta data stripping software.*

Easy to use:  open software, select files, select "all metadata" select overwrite or make a cleaned copy (preserves the original image), click clean and that's it. Takes less than a minute to do whole folders of files.

Here's the free download link from the company that wrote the software, posted in other topic but now here so it is easy to find.

Try it. It's free (free version only cleans jpg files), it's fast and it defeats the security error almost* every time.

(*I have run into the rare case that a photo does not pass security after cleaning and that then is the case where a string of digital data that makes up the image "looks" like a security issue to the forum software and the flag is raised. Simply resizing the photo, as been said many times elsewhere on the form about upload issues, takes care of that by shuffling the image code breaking up the offending string.)

Quote from shortrackskater on 6/1/2017 after installing BatchPurifier LITE and processing images that were generating the "security error" message:
"IT WORKED! Thank you! I'll keep that program forever."


EDIT: Two pdf files are attached.

1)  The first is the meta data attached to an original iPad Pro photo that would not pass the security check.

2)  The second is the meta data attached to the image after being processed by BatchPurifier LITE - in uploaded with error.

Open each to see the difference before and after processing the image.