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9 Piece Receiver lot

Started by Sargeguy, April 23, 2014, 06:34:16 PM

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9pc old antique vtg phone telephone earpiece steampunk industrial parts lot9

The short one third from left looks interesting.  It looks like a cross between a 101 unipolar receiver and a 122A.  Maybe an early WE bipolar?
Greg Sargeant
Providence, RI
TCI /ATCA #4409


Must be something special in that bunch since the bids are now over $550.00!!!
Harry Smith
ATCA 4434

"There is no try,
there is only
do or do not"

Russ Kirk

I have been watching this auction.  I am not the expert at these, but long poles usually sell for about $300-500 each.  Shorter receivers with posts sell for $200-300 each.  I don't doubt this auction will sell for over $2k. 
- Russ Kirk