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Speaker jack box on WE 502?

Started by wilson, July 28, 2023, 01:25:34 AM

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Hey so I've bought this 502 that has this little beige box with WE branding on it, that has a 1/4 jack.

I've scoured the web trying to figure out what the heck it could be. I'm thinking a jack to plug into a PA? Or maybe a reel to reel recorder?

In non-typical Bell fashion, I can't see any stamped part numbers etc.

Have yet to see how it's wired in, maybe that will help solve the mystery.

I'm the meantime, anybody seen something like this before?


I realize now that this should probably be in the "Phone Parts Identification" section. Can't figure out how to delete a post, so I'm gonna repost over there. Butttt if anybody or a moderator can help me move this/delete this one, that would be helpful :)


(reposted, after mistakenly posting in the thrift shop finds thread)

Hey so I've bought this 502 that has this little beige box with WE branding on it, that has a 1/4 jack.

I've scoured the web trying to figure out what the heck it could be. I'm thinking a jack to plug into a PA? Or maybe a reel to reel recorder?

In non-typical Bell fashion, I can't see any stamped part numbers etc.

Have yet to see how it's wired in, maybe that will help solve the mystery.

I'm the meantime, anybody seen something like this before?


Probably a Voice Coupler. Here are two cards from the WE Card Catalog...

Edit: Add BSP reference link:
Visit:         WE  500  Design_Line



Maybe the phone belonged to a Ham Radio operator.


Not really that unusual...
Typically these sets were assembled at the local telco's garage by an I&R or special services/complex services man.
The voice coupler was used by radio stations for remote broadcasts.
The remote mixer would be plugged into the coupler, the station would be called and once on the air, the switchook plunger would be pulled up to disconnect the handset transmitter so extraneous noise would not be induced into the program.
 You will see the coupler's model number once you remove the (beige) grey cover.
WECo typically printed it on its base pan. 

There were other one-off uses as well.


Thanks guys! That makes a lot of sense! I'll try and report back in once I test it's functionality out and see if I can find any part numbers