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Aladdin Equator II

Started by 19and41, May 01, 2018, 11:11:05 AM

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While at the thrift store yesterday, I came across this heater.  I left it sit and went home to at least see if it were all there.  It seemed like a good risk, so I went back today and bought it.  I don't know how much more dirt they could've stuck to it, but the working parts look allright.  I reckon the price of $6.06 should keep things in line to start off with.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke


Well, it became my afternoon project.  Got a lot of dirt and rust off'n it.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke


WOW! Cleaned up nice! And quick too.
Harry Smith
ATCA 4434

"There is no try,
there is only
do or do not"


Thanks.  I can find no documentation on it online.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke


Can't say I've seen one myself, looks like a generic catalytic heater with the Aladdin name applied rather than Aladdin's own Blue Flame heaters like my two, still, for the price you can't beat it... :)


Got to love the name Equator II... not like they were implying it would get hot or anything  ::). I think it would cost more than 6$ to fuel it up, nice deal.



Thanks.  I still need to find the ignitor for it and a source for it's instructions.  It really cleaned up nicely. the top is enameled steel.  Flitz really shined it up nicely.  It ought to make a nice emergency heater.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke


Took out the ignitor to look for a number on it.  No number, but I found the filament intact.  I got a couple of "D" cells, a half jug of kerosene, fueled it up, installed the batteries, set it to ignite and pressed in the ignitor button.  It lit right up and began generating plenty of heat.  Not much to see, other than the violent heat waves coming from it.  It has a automatic emergency shut off.  I tripped it and it shut off smartly.  I think that would heat my garage in short order on a freezing day.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke


When we down here in Georgia got our share of the winter storm on January 10, I had gotten this old unit out of the garage where it had sat for 3 years.  I put 2 batteries in it, it had 1/4 tank of fuel, and it started just as well as it did in 2018 when I bought it, well used.  It was a life saver when the power failed!
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
— Arthur C. Clarke