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Did candlestick telephones have a bell in the telephone base?

Started by Robert Gift, January 23, 2025, 08:45:46 AM

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Robert Gift

Or was there a bell in a box mounted somewherelse?
Buzzer in the base?

Thank you.
I'd take an educated guess but am unqualified.
In paramediclass, doctor asked me signs of Alzheimers.  "I forget.", I answered.

Lighted Princess® telephones are our favorites!

To ensure an emergent transport call, I need only:
- take first sip of beer when eating pizza
- start shampooing in the shower
- pull bed covers over and get warm and cozy
- begin my OCD oil change.  (Remove oil plug to drain overnight.)


No room  .Wired to a subset with induction coil and ringer .,Some replicas have a buzzer or ringer.


Depends on the era.

The collectible sticks from the late 1800's and early 1900's had to have a subset for the voice and ringer circuit components.

The un-collectible reproduction sticks from the 1980's had an elevated base that provided room for a small network and a single gong ringer.

The knock offs being made now in India probably have an electronic buzzer in the base (I never had one to know for sure).

Below are the original, repro and India sticks.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Kellogg's no. 97 desk stands for common battery lines have the induction coil and a dedicated 2 µF capacitor for the voice circuit crammed into the base, with the cord carrying tip and ring. They were wired to boxes that only contained the ringer and a 1 µF ringing capacitor.


The sellers of those knock-offs from India were trying to advertise them as genuine Western Electric phones.  I had to keep getting into shouting matches with them for about 2 months before they got it through their thick skulls that those ARE NOT Western Electric phones.
