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Two Bell System items I would like to ID

Started by allnumbedup, January 23, 2025, 01:38:14 PM

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I got a bunch of WE office and key system stuff at auction (no phones). I have identified everything but ran across two items without names and numbers I was wondering if anyone knows/ remembers what purpose they served. I would like to correctly identify them for resale/trade:

1. Large (11 inch) rectanglar vented ABS dark gray (not olive gray) box. It has late Bell System logo on the front, "western electric not for sale" on back. The cover is held on with two orginal small bolts at the sides. The color makes me think it was non-customer facing and the vents make me think the intended contents got warm or emitted sound. The holes in back are too small and too close together to accommodate a Bell Chime type ringer.

2. Large (3.25) round ABS light beige disc with two long ridged tabs and no marks on the back. The bell logo looks 1970-1980's to me. There is a notch on the edge at 5 o'clock.  Could this have been a center plug for a spool of wire--like a holder cap? Also same size as a 16D face plate so maybe a cap for an outlet but with no permanent attachment using hardware?
Analog Phones for a Digital World


The disk I bet is simply a outlet blank, basically to cover a communication junction box in the wall.
The box I I bet is for a power supply but not sure.


My guesses are;

Box looks like some I have seen for an Interphone system?

Cover looks like it would snap into a dial hole?
Harry Smith
ATCA 4434

"There is no try,
there is only
do or do not"