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and very rarely ever needs repairs, once you fix them." - Dan/Panther

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Western electric 354 wiring issue

Started by persido, January 26, 2025, 06:19:26 AM

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Hello all, it's been some time since I've posted anything, been crazy busy. I recently picked up an Western Electric 354 telephone, I plugged it in, I got a dial tone, but the 2 issues I'm having is when you dial the dial tone doesn't break and speaking into the receiver doesn't seem to be working. The wiring is a mess, but I can't seem to figure out what's wrong. I've attached 2 pictures hope someone can help me out.



There's a 354 on ebay right now and the seller provides quite clear pics of the wiring. Comparing the wire colors might give you a rough idea should anything be missing:

What is the phone hooked to? Will this line accept pulse dialing? Can you see the make and break contacts operate when the dial is turned?
A defective transmitter is a pretty common issue, but can be replaced. Measuring its DC resistance with a multimeter isn't an ultimative test but once again might give a rough idea.

Robert Gift

"Will this line accept pulse dialing?"

Do lines not always accept pulse-dialing?
As a teen, I somehow sped up our Princess™ telephone's rotary dial governor and the telephone still dialed out!
I'd take an educated guess but am unqualified.
In paramediclass, doctor asked me signs of Alzheimers.  "I forget.", I answered.

Lighted Princess® telephones are our favorites!

To ensure an emergent transport call, I need only:
- take first sip of beer when eating pizza
- start shampooing in the shower
- pull bed covers over and get warm and cozy
- begin my OCD oil change.  (Remove oil plug to drain overnight.)


If it is a "real" landline then yes, it should. But it might be some type of VOIP box as well.