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Automatic Electric Payphone build Questions (AE 66E Semi-Post Pay)

Started by pmk222, May 08, 2023, 09:45:51 PM

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Hello everyone, this question has a backstory so feel free to jump towards the bottom to skip the story.

Story time! So, When I was a kid I had the opportunity to use a 3 slot payphone. As I'm 26, that was a rarity even at the time. I loved hearing the bell go off after I put in the coins. Ever since I was old enough to learn that people could privately own these obsolete wonders I've wanted one. Skip ahead many years and I've started a varied collection (phones are just a small portion of what I collect) and I've even gotten one of my friends into collecting a few of the same things I do. He met a friend of his grandfathers who worked for a phone company in a town near by. When this company was replacing and removing these 3 slot phones, they threw all the stuff in the dumpster. This man went in and dug as much out as he could. Over the years, he has sold a few of the parts here and there but he still has quite the collection. My friend and I were given permission to collect up the parts and build ourselves some of these phones. We are going to try and build 3 phones total. One for me, one for my friend, and one for the owner of these parts. He told us that he always had intentions of building himself one but things always got in the way and he is old enough now that he'll never do anything with the parts.

So, the phones are (supposedly) AE 66E phones, not sure if they are nickel or dime. They had an odd coin relay, no coils and no coin return features with the coins only being returned if they were the wrong coin for the slot and fell out of the mechanism. They are semi-post pay.

We were trying to find a wiring diagram but came across two that don't quite match each other but we also have found multiple assemblies in this guys parts that also don't match each other. The Biggest difference from what we physically have in front of us and what the diagrams show is that our assemblies don't have a relay coil, just a switch that detects when a coin has passed through it while it's on the way through the coin hopper.

On to the questions:

Does anyone happen to have a wiring schematic for one of these phones that DOESN'T have a traditional coin relay shown?

We have a two types of network and not enough of either one to make all 3 phones, one that is more modern and referred to as "solid state" made by teltronics and a slightly less modern but aftermarket AE network that is a "WA 1148 A". How would we wire this one up? The terminals are labeled differently.

How does the shielded cable for the handset get attached inside the phone? Electrically we think we have it sorted but mechanically we are unsure. We have some cables that are normal and some that have the steel cable inside.

How does the little chrome ring mount to the finger wheel? it doesn't appear to have any slots to accept the two tabs.

Lastly, the guy who owns all these parts told us that their phones had an accessory where they could plug a power supply into a 110v outlet and the dial would be illuminated. He happened to give us one of these "power supplies" but all it is an plug end. Has anyone heard of this before? What would something like this look like and where would it be mounted?

We determined that we will likely have to rewire these phones to get them to work properly, so any advice at all would be helpful. I can also take picture of anything I have here at work (where we are building these) just let me know what you would like to see.


Welcome to CRPF.

Please attach photos so we can see what you are working with.
A collector of  'Monochrome Phones with Sepia Tones'   ...and a Duck!
Vintage Phones - 10% man made, 90% Tribble


Welcome. Yes, pictures are always helpful and we really like them! It would be good to see everything you are working with. Phones inside & out. All the parts and the power supply.
Harry Smith
ATCA 4434

"There is no try,
there is only
do or do not"


I took as many pictures as I could think to take. I didn't take any pictures of the dial/pulse generator because my buddy took them to lubricate them then take them to the owner of the parts to have them adjusted for timing.

I wasn't sure how to attach pictures, I didn't see a button for attaching files and since I have so many pictures I just uploaded them to my google drive and I'll include a link to that. I didn't see anywhere that those types of links weren't allowed but please let me know if I should remove it.

Here is the link to my google drive folder.

(images from the above external site were downloaded in the order posted to the external drive, compiled, resized and attached below)

A little explanation to these pictures might be useful. So I'll try to explain the best I can. Also, I apologize for the poor lighting, the place I work has warehouse style lighting.

I'll explain the pictures in the order they appear in the drive folder by default so I'm hoping they will be the same for all of you.

The blue boards are all from teltronics, the first picture shows one variant of the network board and the coin relay board. The second picture is of the coin relay board by itself. The coin relay boards all look to be identical and have the part number "SP105-c". The network cards have two variants, we have one "LPC-1B" and two "SPC-1B1"

The next picture is of one of the handsets but I show the ends of two different cords. One of the cords (on the left) is the normal type while the other (on the right) has the steel cable that runs through the shielding.

The next two pictures are of the coin return bucket and shoot.

Then we come to the coin chute assembly, we have three of these. The one that is pictured here, one that I took a picture of further down, and one that my friend took pictures of and took the wiring harness off to try and match one of the circuit diagrams we had found. The one I didn't take a picture of looks just like this one.

These 4 pictures show the handset hooks, one of the vault doors, and the box and bucket of parts I have here at work. Supposedly, the owner of these parts has quite a few more parts though some (like the vault door, for instance) were fairly scarce.

This next picture is the inside of the power supply, it looks like it's just a plug end to me. I have other picture later and I'm not sure why they ended up spread out.

Next, we have the three bottom housings.

This picture is of the teltronics coin relay as it's attached to the coin hopper and vault top. I also took a picture, later, of a piece that goes under this section that we are missing two of.

The next five pictures are more of the housings. The inside and out of the chrome top, the inside of one of the bottom housings, then the housing that is all steel, followed by a housing that was chromed and painted black (seems odd, not sure how common practice that was), and finally the inside of one of the top housings that still has the felt pieces for sound dampening of the coin return.

Here is one of the better dial plate and one of the few dial shrouds we have, I think we only have two of these shrouds and one hasn't fared too well.

The next five pictures are of miscalanious parts that I've already shown pictures of but also of the card holder back and a nickel detection relay (not sure what else to call it.

These are the only two coin trays we have, no tops to go with them.

Here is a brand new finger wheel followed by the ring from my initial question. This ring is different that the first one I saw in the pile (not sure where is went off to at the moment) but I can see this one mounts differently than the one I had a question about.

Here is a picture of the coin hopper assembly from the top followed by the bottom. This bottom plate is the one I mentioned before, we only have the one.

One of the coin acceptors we have, they are all in similar condition and look identical.

Here is the top and bottom of the power supply I talked about earlier, as you can see it has an automatic electric part number on it.

This is the network we are trying to wire into one of the phones.

The last few pictures are of the backing plate for the phones. I want to note that only the one has the orange numbers on them and they are different from one side to the other, so I'd be curious as to what they are in reference to. The other two plates are also shown as well as the only other marking I could find on them.

I apologize for the length of this post but I hope I showed everything off as well as gave enough explanation for everything. Let me know if I can give any more details on anything.

EDIT: I checked and in order for the pictures to line up with my descriptions you have to sort them by last modified and not by name, I apologize for any confusion. (refer to the album link above to look for last modified information to relate them to the text above).


A Little Bit of an update to all this. Over the weekend, my buddy and I were able to go to the owners house and talk with him. We learned a few things such as the power supply is suppose to house a grasshopper style fuse and that there is a second type of power supply that is potted without a fuse. The light has two different styles, one with a light bulb which has a flat top (no further explanation, but we did find one of the bulbs) and the other was a ring that went on the finger wheel they called a "glow ring". This glow ring, apparently, looks like porcelain but actually glows when power is applied. I'm still not certain how it was supposed to get power but he also mentioned they had a 6v version much later.

The guy also gave us all his remaining payphone parts stock. So, we now have quite a bit more (too much to picture. I'll try to get pictures of a few notable things.

Amongst the chaos was another type of teltronics board (PIE-16) which has IC chips on it, we also found a couple of rotary dial to tone dial adapter plates. Could these boards be for tone dial?