
"The phone is a remarkably complex, simple device,
and very rarely ever needs repairs, once you fix them." - Dan/Panther

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Find of the Month - June 2011

Started by AE_Collector, June 02, 2011, 11:28:02 AM

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June 2011 - "Find of te Month"

JimH's "202/D1 c/w E1 handset, #4 dial and 684 subset" for $42.93 incl tax
11 (55%)
Sargeguys's "Huge Pile of Candlestick Parts" for $213 incl shipping
1 (5%)
Dan's "202/D1 Imperial Lamp with 4H dial" for $25 at a flea market
5 (25%)
Sargeguy's "WECo Type 22 Stick c/w Chicago Wooden subset" for $163 incl shipping
3 (15%)

Total Members Voted: 20


It's time to start posting your "Finds of the Month for June 2011". If possible post a picture or two along with any links to seperate discusion threads here on the forum about the find. Also where you "Found" it and how much it lowered your bank reserves by!



I was at a local antique shop today (I check it out about once a month) and found a D-1 "202" with an E-1 seamed handset, #4 dial with a celluloid number plate in great condition, and it had the 684 subscriber set still attached....all for the price marked of $45.  Getting to the check-out I remembered that they will give a 10% discount if you ask...that's all they're allowed to give without calling the booth owner.  So I got it for $40.50 plus tax...came to $42.93.  I'm thinking the #4 dial, subset and handest are worth more than that each separately.  The line cord is in great shape, except for a little paint on it, but the handset cord is frayed badly at the handset and about half way.  The subset cover has a big chunk out of its cover...but I have another cover.  Most parts are from late 1936 or early 1937.

Here's a couple of pics:
Jim H.

Dennis Markham

Great buy, Jim!  Congratulations.  I'd say that was a pretty good deal.  Nice phone and subset!

Doug Rose

Jim....nice deal! Take off the finger wheel and see if you have a celluloid dial plate. I can't tell if its the color of the picture or you have the real deal. They become a more ivory color as they age and your does look ivory. DON'T TRY TO CLEAN IT. They are fragile, to say the least ....Doug


It's celluloid, Doug.  I have a couple of phones with them, and I found out the hard way in the past that you can't rinse it under the faucet like the porcelain ones. 
Jim H.


That beats my record of $50 for the exact same setup!   :'(  Mine came with a 20Al rigged as a microphone and an empty 295A box, so I think we're even.  Nice find!!!
Greg Sargeant
Providence, RI
TCI /ATCA #4409


Greg Sargeant
Providence, RI
TCI /ATCA #4409



I nominate my huge parts purchase for the Easter eggs contained within that made it even better than I had imagined:

9 Dial Card Holders, 4 with dial cards from the TOwanda exchange,  7 have perfect paint. ;D (Sold one that Dennis nickel plated for $35)
1 'Hershey's Kiss" type perch with "PAT. PEND." stamp and "XX XX" over the old mark (20-B? 22?)  "20-AL" is stamped on the front ;D ;D ;D (Sold for $68.00)
2 regular 20-AL perches one brass, one black
1 Black painted "Patent Applied For" base and stem stamp with a refurb mark from 1936.  It appears to be black over brass with no sign of nickel. ;D
1 Bower-Barf finished base and shaft that had been painted black at one time  (couple of tiny paint spots remained).  ;D
1 One brassed-out 20-AL base and shaft (Sold brassed out 20AL for $135.00)
2 baseplates with complete felt
3 Switchhooks, two brassed-out and one black
2 switch brackets, one solid perch & one drawn perch
2 Brassed out cups unmarked
2 Brassed-out transmitters, one 337 and the other w/ obliterated mark (missing most of the screws)
1 black painted *329* with a riveted 2-piece cup
1 1/2 mounting bolts
3 144 receivers, two nice original cords, missing 1 diaphragm
2 original subset cords
1 black rubber subset cord

Cost $213 or so with $25 S&H Have sold $238 worth of items so far, which means that the unsold items are free!!!
Greg Sargeant
Providence, RI
TCI /ATCA #4409


I'll throw my weekend find in for fun. Flea market find for $25. The hole in the handset can be repaired with dental acrylic and look what was in the base--a 4H dial from 1936! How many of these imperials were refurbished using 4H dials? I only see 5H and newer dials in these . I used the Dennis tick tick tick spin the dial trick or I may have missed it.  I plan on using the dial on a dialless 202 that I have to complete it. I hate lamp phones and will get her to her glory !

"Imagine how weird telephones would look if our ears weren't so close to our mouths." - Steven Wright

Dennis Markham

Nice find, Dan!  That is a good question about the #4 dials in the Imperials.   I've found 4H dials in Continental sets.  I have only one Imperial of each color (Silver & Gold).  Both have #5 dials.


Get a nice old Fibreglass lamp shade on her and she wil look good on a table in the livingroom. I sort of like well done phone lamps (the HORROR!).

I have an almost identical AE 1A lamp phone with a real neat little lamp shade. I'll try to find a picture of it. The phone/lamp is on display at my cabin.



Refurbished #2 dials are found on late 40s early 50s sets, but a 1936 dated original #4 is interesting.
Greg Sargeant
Providence, RI
TCI /ATCA #4409


Since it was a slow month, I will nominate my Western Electric Type 22.  I paid $163 shipped for the box and desk stand.  After selling off the Chicago box and the Kellogg receiver and cords, I was left with a black painted Type 22 with PATENTS APPLIED FOR base and ABT cup with *329* transmitter for $96 shipped. 

The Type 22 was the first phone in the "20" series of Western Electric candlesticks and is relatively hard to come by. 
Greg Sargeant
Providence, RI
TCI /ATCA #4409


Okay, "LETS VOTE" for the "Find of the Month" for June 2011! May the best find WIN!!

Happy 4th of July to all you Mericans too....



Well it looks like Jim H has done it again by a landslide! Congrats and as always "your check is in the mail".

20 votes this time around, not too bad....
